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Matt Friction performing LIVE from his living room!

Tuesday March 24th at 8pm EST



We’re throwing a party, the best way we can right now. Join us Tuesday March 24th at 8pm EST for an unpredictable set of Pink Spiders songs, covers, requests, dogs barking, and ya know, whatever else.

Tips are appreciated but not expected. However, the top tipper will win the setlist from the show along with other prizes. There will also be some merch prize giveaways and you will also be able to give e-treats to the dogs.

Send Matt your requests now so he can figure these songs out!

(FYI, this stream was moved from StageIt due to time limits on the show, and Dacast due to limits on the amount of viewers. So we're just gonna do it on Facebook.)


Tips accepted at venmo (@mattfriction), Cash App ($mattfriction), and PayPal (paypal.me/mattfriction). Thank you!